Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Tooth Man Cometh

Who says there is anything wrong with my teeth?

I called to make an appointment with the horse dentist and he told me that he would be there bright and early at 0800 the next morning.  He did not ask for directions and he is not a local, so I am thinking that he just might  not make it when he said, but I had the gate open and was waiting for him.  Then I see a BMW car pulling up my drive and I think, "Uh Roh"!  I am used to vet trucks, farrier trucks, farm trucks and just plain ole truck trucks.  But a BMW?  Oh, with personalized plates, WONAFEW.  

We quickly got down to work.  Spec was first as I expected that he would be the worst of the six.  Now can you imagine brushing your teeth with a metal file?  That was the deal, and boy could he do a great job.  After he got through filing both sides, he put a metal contraption that looked like a bridal on them that would hold their mouths open.  He then filed the tops of their teeth. 

You already know that Charley is a nervous Nelly.  I have to keep him with Speck or he really suffers from separation anxiety.  I had told Mr. Dentist that Charley was skittish, but you should have seen him work.  The entire time that he worked on them, he talked, whistled to get their attention and would touch them.  Charley thought that he could stop him by walking forward and I have never seen anyone move backward and continue working the way this gentleman did.  I asked him if he danced and he said only with horses because they don't mind if he steps on their feet.  I told him that he appeared to be doing a pretty good two step.

I found out that this gentleman's family had owned a horse farm (200 horses) and had raised racking horses to show.  He, himself,  had showed several champions.  He has been around horses all his life and had been a horse trainer.  It was pure delight to watch him work the horses.  He told me that all that Charley and Speck needed was a gentle hand and that he could see that they had that.  He also told me that he thought that Speck was 20ish.  Charley was pretty much the same as the vet told me, around 9 years old.

So, life is pretty much back to normal for these two.  They have been here at Poplar Springs farm for almost two months now.  Charley is in great shape and probably when this next month is through, Speck will be as well.  The dentist told me that they would be gaining more weight with their teeth fixed, so I am going to have to really watch the food with Charley and my other horses.  Next month, they will be moving to the pasture with the herd.  They do not have shelter in their current pasture and they will need that when it gets colder and wetter.  Charley needs new friends and Speck will be able to fend for himself (actually hang out with Sonny).

I thought I would give you a side view so you can see Spec's progress.  His hip muscles are filling out and actually, I cannot put my fingers in between his ribs any longer.

This week, we have fence work to do with the cows and we will be watching the leaves as they continue changing colors.  So far, it has been a beautiful October.

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