Tuesday, December 13, 2011

So, Lucky, It Is!

There have been so many ups and downs this month.  Lucky would take two steps forward then go back one and a half.  Some days I felt it was one and three quarters backward.  But, he would look at me with those big soulful eyes and we would continue on.  

This past Sunday, he got a new bridle.  This one is a brighter red, a happier bridle than the first one.  He had to have a new one because he had actually gained weight and the old one was too tight for him.  Also, the old one has been though the muck and mud of pick me ups, so it was time for it to go.  This weekend, he also got his new real name, Lucky.  That goes along with his decision that he would be moving forward from now on.

Yesterday, he stayed in the pasture for about five hours.  He will do the same today.  While there is not a lot of grass there,  it gives him an opportunity to walk around, explore so he is not bored, and most importantly, build up his muscles!  Even though he has gained weight and gotten stronger, he still looks like a stick horse.  

His coat is still in bad shape and his mane is rag tag, but his eyes are beautiful.  He will be a beautiful horse someday.  I suspect it will be a good six months for his coat to reach a decent place, but now, we can think about that.  He has begun flexing his front feet more, so I think that he may be a walking horse or a racking variety.  

Lucky has been here a month yesterday.  It has been a tough month.  Worse for me than even peak season at FedEx!  There I felt like I knew what to do.  Here it was heart first, brain second work. 

 The payoff, however, has been well worth it.

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