Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's Way Too Early

Our weather has been quite pleasant for January.  We have had what seemed like Spring rains, thunderstorms, and Spring temperatures.  Of course, there is a little Spring fever to go along with all these things as well.  When I am out and about taking care of the animals, I am always looking for the first sign of what's to come, even though it is way early.  Today, I was not disappointed.

Oh, little Crocus, it is waaaaay to early for you to appear.  Two weeks or possibly a month early here in the mountains

The Flowering Quince is a little early as well.  I am not sure if it is always before the Forsythia, but this year, it is.  This is not a most beautiful bush, but I appreciate the boldness of the flowers.

The daffodils want to get in  on the action.  This location is usually where we get the first blooms, but Steve planted some in another garden and I think they will be the first this year.

The girls had an opportunity to go out on a stroll and scratch here and there looking for their version of Spring.  There was no sign of Coyotes, Chicken Hawks, or red dogs!

I could not leave the post without mentioning a couple of my boys.  Lucky and Mr. Speck are now pasture mates.  Lucky is semi-permanently in the pasture now.  Semi means that unless the weather gets really cold and I feel really guilty to where I can't stand the thought that he just might be cold, he will stay in the pasture.  If guilt wins out, he goes back in the pen under cover.    Speck is the least dominate of all the horses, so he makes a good pasture buddy for Lucky.  So far, they have gotten along extremely well.

Today, I spent about an hour grooming Lucky.  His coat is just so tremendously bad that it will probably be at least summer before I see much improvement.  Even with his improved diet I think it will take new summer growth to get rid of the crud.  I did not have him tied up and he stood for that long while I brushed and tugged at his coat, mane and tail.  When I was brushing his shoulders, he turned and laid his head on my shoulder.  He is just a beautiful little guy.

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